Ishgardian Chirurgeon and Alchemist


A quiet, sullen young man frequently spotted around Coerthas. Gaze evasive, he carries himself in coldly professional manner. What might lie beneath the surface...?

Name: Yukimaru Sou
Age: 24
Nameday: 12/03 (♐)
Height: 7'1/213cm
Gender: ☃️
Race: Raen/Midlander
Occupation: Alchemist/Medic
Orientation: Gay (happily married)
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Distinguishing Features: Vertical scar over the right corner of the mouth, persistent dark circles, mildly luminous limbal rings, scaleless torso and limbs
Residence: Empyreum, Ishgard
Likes: His husband and family, fulfilling work, rainy and snowy days, homecooked meals, a good smoke
Dislikes: Strangers, overly nosy people, loud noises, bright lights, liars, thunderstorms and levinbolts, Garlemald, voidhunters


⚫ As a medic, Yukimaru spends much of his time in or around Ser Vaindreau's Grace, tending to patients and crafting medicines to treat their symptoms. He is loath to turn away those in need of his knowledge and skills in this regard.
⚪ Even outside his work for the infirmary, Yukimaru is a practiced alchemist and apothecary. If you require medicine, he may be willing to assist... given the right reason.
🟡 In his field, Yukimaru's thirst for knowledge can never truly be slaked. Those with access to that which he might learn in regards to medicine may pique his interest, and find him easier to work with otherwise.
🔴 Those who are more sensitive to ambient aether may find something... off about the good doctor. It's unlikely that he'll admit anything concrete, but it might be worth a try for the tenacious.


❄ I am not interested in sexual/erotic roleplay
❄ 18+ please!
❄ I prefer to think of the lore as guidelines rather than rules